Happy Birthday, Paul O'Neill

Today is Paul O'Neill's birthday. Growing up, he was the best Yankee to watch. He played hard, never gave up a single at bat and outright refused to lose. Most players today need time off for minor injuries they don't wanna play with...O'Neill had a hamstring which came with a default setting of "nagging" and still authored an amazing career. He wasn't the team MVP during the dynasty years, but no way the Yankees win those 4 World Series titles from 1996-2000 without #21 in the lineup. However, today I don't want to feature a Yankee year for Paulie, but instead one of his most humorous moments in his career. July 5, 1989. Reds vs Phillies. Bottom of the 10th. O'Neill bobbles the ball in right field with the winning run racing to third base and slipping a little, but still thinking of scoring, but he holds up. Why? Frustrated at how he bobbled the ball, O'Neill kicks it and it happens to fly right to the cut off man! In his book "Me and M...