Logo Wishlist [Yet Again]
I've made a lot of cards for this blog...A LOT of cards. I believe I've backed up the "Obsession" claim I make in the site's name. It helps that baseball has a long and rich history, with lots of teams over the time. And all these teams have changed their look over the eras. It makes for a fun variety of looks for each card...however...The Showdown Bot does not account for all those different logos in every teams history. And because I'm neurotic, I try to avoid using the wrong logo or picture for the card. A few examples of my inanity:
-I made an update scheduled for later this year about the 1994 strike season. I made a bunch of cards for some of the most notable players of that season. That particular season, MLB was celebrating their 100th season, commemorating it with a special patch every team wore on their sleeve that season.
-I check Sportslogos.net with just about every card I made, just in case a team had a special patch or uniform variant for that season. Someone play in 1995 for the Braves? His picture better feature that 30th anniversary patch. 1994 Astros? Astrodome patch. 1927 Cardinals? They had their special "World Champion" uniforms. And God forbid a team hosts an all star game that season, because now everyone has a special all star game patch. Not only does it mean I need to find the right picture of a player for the right season, but also never to use the wrong picture for an incorrect season.
-It's why I love making the Hall of Fame series, because it doesn't matter what uniform or variant is in his picture, I just gotta make sure it's the actual guy.
Anyway, none of the above is a true dealbreaker for making cards (unless you're Rick Wilkins when he played for the Cardinals) it just makes it a bit tougher to make some cards, but I enjoy the process so it's no big deal. A real deal breaker for my obsession is when the Bot doesn't have the proper logo for a particular year. My goal is to generate cards that would fit in if those cards were available for the years indicated. If I opened a pack of baseball cards from 2001, I expect a Tampa Bay player to feature the proper Devil Rays logo of the time, not the modern Rays look. That's the logic in my brain when I make a card.
Anyway, this little rant is wearing on. All I'm saying is that the lack of the proper logo is holding back more than a few ideas I want to pursue on this site. Some of these logos are featured below, along with an explanation when necessary for cards and series that are on hold...
I will post this to the main page and update accordingly in the future rather than make new posts about it...
There are numerous Highlanders/Yankees content I could do if only the proper Highlanders logo was available, ranging from the 1904 team that almost won the pennant to a collection of team captains, or perhaps I just want to highlight Jack Chesbro's record 41 Wins season. All are waiting on a simple acknowledgment of the original AL NY franchise.
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[Update] Yeah, that logo is floating around somewhere in the Bot, but in the wrong years. I don't know why it's available for 1909 but not for the proper 1987-1996 seasons it was in use.
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The Diamondbacks just made this their look for 2024, so it's understandable why it's not updated...for now.
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[Update] So both logos are available, just depending on what card year you choose to utilize, which is annoying. Yeah, it's not a huge deal, but it's maddening at the same time.
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I told you I'm petty for some of these.
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I'll probably miss a few additions for a while. I just noticed the Twins got an update, for example.