1949 Hall of Fame

As I continue this arduous task of mine to chronicle every member of the Baseball Hall of Fame, I take a moment to reflect on where I am at and what is to come. At publishing, it is almost time for my annual special where I highlight everyone on the 2025 ballot, and I realize I have about 75 years worth of HoF classes to run through. If I were to dedicate this blog to just HoF classes in an attempt to catch up, ignoring all other themes and series I am running, then one year from now I would still be playing catch up. At least I have a supply of content for the next while... Anyway, the 1949 class gave us another first when it came to the voting. In the last update, I mentioned how the voters have the option for a run-off election if their first vote did not result in anyone getting the required 75%. This situation came about in 1949, with the highest percentage going to Charlie Gehringer at 66.7%. The top 20 losers all advanced to the run-off round, where only Gehringer received ...