1936 Hall of Fame [prototype]

So on my to-do list is to redo my "Logo Wishlist" because within 2 days of me posting the AL version, the Bot updated and I got many of my preferences, making my lamenting for the lack of a Chief Wahoo outdated almost immediately. Awesome. I'll have to try harder for some obscure logos to wish for... So, my 7 part WBC series took a huge effort and I decided to take a bit of a break. That break lasted about a week until I found myself playing around again with the bot. What I really should do is redo some previously made cards now that I have proper logos to play with, but for now I decided to make another special Hall of Fame theme, this time honoring the OG class of 1936. If you had to pick one expensive card to build a team around, most versions of the Babe would be the popular pick. Incredibly high on-base, plenty of power, this one with complete outfield coverage and doesn't make a lot of outs on his chart and the minimum of strikeouts for a power hitter. Cobb o...